Autobiographical Essay

Lost what to write this essay about, I travel through the notes I’ve created over the years. Many of them long forgotten. One catches my attention. One that I crowded out with the memories of the time when it was written. ‘Pep talk to a girl who wants to be everything...
The Beauty of Strangers

The Beauty of Strangers

This piece was published at EditionF in January 2017.It was originally written in German and translated by me. I find myself alone in cities quite often. Not as a traveler, but as a nomad. As a stranded one, just a short amount of time. Berlin, New York – I love that...
On Manipulation

On Manipulation

This piece was written for and published in the ‘M’ book of the ‘Zeitlupe’ series. In 2000 my father began to dedicate one book to each letter of the alphabet. ‘M’ was published in 2015. This text was originally written in German...