masb | quarter three
class | concepting III
jonas wickert
team | arief dharmawan & stella scholz

“Sex education … often leaves out important information about our bodies and sexual and vaginal health. We’re expected to figure it out on our own, often through watching bad porn, googling, and experiences with partners that we wish we could erase from our memories.” Devra Ferst, Teen Vogue
The Story
Gender equality has been at the forefront of the media and public conversation for a long time. Some areas in this space have seen strides, but the subject of female sexual pleasure and wellness has been deprioritised in sex education, in health research and society as a whole. The Orgasm Gap is a physical reminder that the predominant socialised attitude does not place importance on female pleasure or sexual wellness. The Case For Her, an innovative funding collaborative that invests in early stage markets within female health, are teaming up with Teen Vogue to bring this topic to the forefront.
The challenge was to develop a branded content piece or series that will feature on one or more of Teen Vogue’s media channels. It should explore the female pleasure and sexual wellness space and seek to educate and challenge Teen Vogue’s audience about the issues surrounding it.

As a media outlet responsible for educating young adults, TeenVogue collaborates with Nike, releasing a limited edition AirMax sneaker.
74% of females reportedly have fakes orgasms for reasons such as sociocultural upbringing and lacking education about their needs.

Just as with the orgasms, 74% of the orders will actually not be shipped unless demanded with the hashtag #demandmyclimax. Posting stories, insights, facts or even simply the hashtags will raise awareness, spark conversations and support education about the female orgasm.